Viser 1 til 20 af 22 dokumenter.

SEEDFOOD: Functional and palatable plant seed storage proteins for sustainable foods

Processing-structure-function-interrelations of novel protein ingredients in complex foods


AMUSE: Advanced Methodologies to Understand Dairy Powder Stability and Promote Exports

Less is more: Less-refined pea ingredients for more plant-based food

Making microalgae a sustainable future source of proteins and vitamins (MASSPROVIT)

Realizing the plant protein future: gentle seed deconstruction (Seedstruction)

PlantPro: Accelerating an efficient green consumer transition

SMART PROTEIN: The next generation of smart protein food

PLANTCURD: Functional Plant Proteins for Cheese Curd

GreenPole: A comparative assessment of outcomes and trade-offs across Fenno-Scandinavia

FermPro - Sustainable manufacturing of FERMented PROtein-ingredients

PectAge - Pectin and pectin-based synbiotics for healthy aging

Improve Dairy Life - Prevention of yeast spoilage of fermented dairy products for improved quality and shelf-life

Mushroom fermentation of side streams form the food industry

AnaFree - The aroma/flavor profiles of Freekeh,

Boosting local production of organic high quality grain (BOOST)

VANDALF – Linking of chemical and toxicological fingerprints