PlantPro: Accelerating an efficient green consumer transition

PlantPro will accelerate an efficient green consumer behaviour transition towards more plant-rich diets and reduced food waste. It will develop and test consumer-targeted and scalable market and policy actions to nudge, inform and motivate population-wide shift towards a choice of more plant-rich diets, increased preference for upcycled foods, better acceptance of sustainable processing innovations, and avoidance of food waste.

PlantPro VR
Virtual Reality Version of our Evaluation Room with iBuffet where subjects carry our choice experiments. Choice and consumption is monitored.

PlantPro will identify key success factors in industry and societal transitions, map consumer factors that determine acceptance and behaviour across consumer lifestyle groups, assess environmental impact, and measure the effect of nudging, information, and motivation on behavioural change in public and private settings under real-life context. It will deliver a catalogue of marketing and policy actions.

The commercial value created consists of market growth for innovative plant- based food and food upcycling businesses. The societal value created consists of the achievement of climate targets and sustainable development goals.

Multinational companies, SME's and start-ups, retailers and interest organisations representing consumer-citizens, producers, and stakeholders working towards social goals participate. They will implement PlantPro’s catalogue of tools in product development, marketing and communication, and public and private sector strategies and policies.


PlantPro aims to change consumer behaviour towards more plant-rich diets and less food waste in the food system. It aims to fill a knowledge gap on factors that drive consumer behaviour change towards more sustainable plant-rich diets and upcycled foods and greater acceptance of sustainable food technologies, test interventions and nudges, and deliver a catalogue of market and consumer insights and recommendations for policy and market actions including the expected effect on consumer behaviour change.

The catalogue will support decision-makers in the Danish industry and in the public sector in a) designing and launching new plant-based or upcycled products and services in particular in terms of product specifications as well as consumer communication; b) designing and implementing informational approaches as well as nudges changing the choice context in diverse settings across the market to facilitate the uptake of innovative products by and greener diets the broader population; and in connection to that c) designing and implementing consumer- driven strategies for food waste reduction.

Research objectives

The objective is to contribute to that a greater share of the broader population consumes more plant-rich diets in ways which at the same time reduce food waste in the system.

The objectives are that by 2025:

  • 50% of the population has a vegetarian lunch and dinner at least twice a week (10% of the population through a significant, 40% a moderate change)
  • The share of citizens eating a predominantly plant-based diet has increased from 14% in 2019 to 24% in 2025
  • The market sizes for plant-based foods and upcycled food have doubled.
  • That between start and end of the project, by-product and side-stream use in food is significantly more known and accepted among consumers of the general population
  • Brand awareness of participating plant-based and upcycled food brands has significantly increased.



PlantPro is divided in 5 different work packages (WPs) led by different research institutions.

In the following, methods, instruments and data used in WP3, which is led primarily by the UCPH, is explained.

The remaining 4 WPs can be found on PlantPro's official website here


WP3.1 Retail environments (led by CBS):

Two experimental lab and field intervention studies will measure the effects of choice architecture (placement, communication, product labels) in online and physical offline retail environments on attention and purchase of plant-based food products (e.g. meat substitutes, yoghurt), in part using eye tracking methodology. Tests will be done in Food Innovation House and in actual Rema1000 supermarkets.

WP3.2 Canteen context:

Effect of nudges (default, positioning, labelling, priming) on hedonic response and actual consumption will be quantitatively measured in a realistic canteen context experiment, first in a virtual reality setting (60n, 50% females) and then in an actual canteen (500n); This accounts for both sensory impressions and consumer segment characteristics. Able services will be used as example setting.

WP3.3 Meal design:

Effect of meal design on hedonic response, on sensory properties, on actual consumption and eating behaviour will be quantitatively assessed at KU-Future Consumer Lab combining serving quantities (in g) with video observations of experimental groups offered differently characterised plant-based meals (up to 100n), chosen based on a consumer survey in an actual catering context of Simple Feast services (500n) and in-App questions in Eachthing's App.

WP3.4 Hedonic response to sustainability information on meals:

Interplay of beliefs and knowledge of consumers recruited from specific segments of dietary patterns (as identified in part 1) on hedonic response or perception of food appropriateness will be quantitatively studied in realistic experimental test settings at the Future consumer lab (100n). This will test the effect of information about the environmental impact and animal-based versus plant-based origin, using products of the partners (PS and Na) as test products. Consumers are recruited from DVF members and compared to respondents from KU’s consumer panel.

WP3.5 Peer influence (led by AU):

Effect of peer influence via perceived norms on individual attitude and food choice will be estimated in a series of realistically designed consumer behaviour laboratory studies (2x100n) as well as in an actual food choice setting (the Simple Feast Food Truck, 100n, or at the partner retailer, 100n), including manipulation of perceived consumer segment affiliation.

WP3.6 Recommendations:

A catalogue and impact assessment of recommendations for societal transitions in consumer behaviour and market and policy recommendations are developed.


  • Aarhus University 

  • University of Copenhagen 

  • Copenhagen Business School 

  • Dansk Vegetarisk Forening / Vegetarian Society 

  • Plantebranchen 

  • Think tank OneThird


  • Beyond Coffee

  • Circular Food Technology

  • Møllerup Brands

  • Food Innovation House

  • Orkla

  • Naturli

  • Planteslagterne

  • Upfield

  • DataContexts ApS

  • Rema1000

  • FairTree


UCPH participants:

Name Title Phone E-mail
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Phone
Perez-Cueto, Armando Guest Researcher +4535337793 E-mail
Hielkema, Marijke Hiltje Postdoc +4535337941 E-mail
Frøst, Michael Bom Associate Professor +4535333207 E-mail
Sansolios, Sanne Coordinator +4535327017 E-mail

Funded by:

Innovation fund Denmark

PlantPro has received a three year funding from Innovation Fund Denmark

Project: PlantPro
Period:  January 1st, 2021 - December 31st, 2023
Total budget: 13,441,551 DKK
UCPH budget: 2,933,256 DKK


Michael Bom FrøstMichael Bom Frøst
Associate Professor