Controlling colloidal forces for healthier ice cream Triglyceride crystals from saturated fat are essential for ice cream structure. However, owing to…
COUNTERSTRIKE – Counteracting sarcopenia with proteins and exercise The main aim of COUNTERSTRIKE is to develop a tool for rapidly assessing age-related loss of…
Cultured fish for human consumption The project ensures that low-value products (fish feed) are converted into healthy food through…
ELDORADO (in Danish) ELDORADO projektets overordnede formål var at undersøge, hvordan kommunerne bedre kunne målrette…
HAPFAM - Healthy and Affordable Proteins for the African Market Very short description of the project/group/centre in roughly 155 characters. The text will be show…
High-quality and sustainable fish feed production This project aims to improve the extrusion process to optimise the use of raw materials and the…
Innovative strategies to accelerate cheese ripening Cheese production is an expensive procedure involving periods of ripening ranging from one month to…
Lactose Caking A new industrial codex for lactose is under development and this new standard will increase the…
Lactose-free UHT milk drinks with functional polyphenols The objective is to establish the specific underlying mechanisms of the interactions between…
Microwave technology for faster and safer food processing Foodwaves will reduce processing time and energy consumption by two-thirds in the food industry whe…
Multi-strain probiotics: better gastrointestinal health in elderly Probiotics have the potential to improve the health and well-being of elderly people through the…
Natural colours for food production Natural colours are increasingly replacing artificial colours in foods globally. There is large…
New fermentation concept will provide unique Danish fruit wines A new fermentation method, which is closely linked to the Danish winter climate, shall ensure…
Novel cleaning improves pork production’s competitiveness and sustainability The daily cleaning during slaughter and processing of pork costs millions of kroner and uses great…
Protein2Food The project aims to develop innovative, cost-effective and resource-effcient food crops that are…
Reuse of water in food and bioprocessing industry (REWARD) The REWARD project will put Danish processing and measurement equipment businesses at the forefront…
StrucSat - How structure affects satiety The project StrucSat will show, at a fundamental level, how food structure can be used to affect…
Sustainable technologies for the optimization of shrimp production TECHSHELL will optimize product quality and resource utilization by optimizing shrimp maturation an…
Sustainable, flavourful and healthy vacuum-dried products from food waste The conversion of food waste into new valuable food ingredients and new products via…
Taste for life This interdisciplinary, collaborative project will focus on the taste of food as a driving force fo…
Uniqueness of Danish sparkling wines and ciders Danish sparkling wines and ciders have a great potential to become specialty products in export…
Utilisation of high-protein diets by elderly people This project will provide useful knowledge to adjust the recommendations for increased protein…