The effect of feed formulation on surface composition of powders and wall deposition during spray drying of acidified dairy products

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Lactose and/or lactic acid was added to four acidified dairy formulations before spray drying in a small-scale pilot plant spray dryer, to investigate the effect on powder surface composition and wall deposition during spray drying. Addition of lactic acid significantly reduced the glass transition temperature of powders, whereas lactose had the opposite effect. Addition of lactic acid also led to a significant increase in wall deposition. No significant effect of the formulations was observed for moisture content, water activity and particle size. LF-NMR analysis suggested that lactic acid caused shift of water protons from a more mobile fraction to a tightly bound fraction. Confocal Raman microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) showed that the particle surface in all powders was dominated by proteins. Adding lactose and lactic acid increased the proportion of both components on the particle surface, thus making powders more susceptible to sticking and causing higher wall deposition.

TidsskriftPowder Technology
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
The authors wish to acknowledge The Danish Dairy Research Foundation (DDRF) and GEA Process Engineering A/S for supporting this research. Thanks to Associate Professor Franciscus Winfried J van der Berg (University of Copenhagen), for providing an in-house MATLAB script for the analysis of glass transition temperatures. Thanks to Helle Maja Schultz (GEA Process Engineering A/S) for performing the moisture content and particle size analysis and the CNRS-LCPME (Nancy, France) for XPS analysis.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Authors

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