Molecular Food Science

Foods are made up of molecules. Understanding the properties and stability of food requires the understanding of the chemistry and physics of mixtures of molecules. 

The Molecular Food Science research group use physical and chemical principles and methodologies to study and develop foods, beverages, and ingredients with new properties and an extended stability. This is based on a multiscale approach, where properties of ingredients and their interactions at a molecular level are sought to be linked to macroscopic food properties and quality as well as the generation of new food structures.


  • Food material science

  • Food colloidal systems

  • Brewing and beer chemistry

  • Structural food physics and soft matter self-assembly

  • Oxidative stability of foods and beverages

  • Radicals in foods and beverages

  • Use of electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR) in food science

  • Small-angle x-ray (SAXS) and neutron scattering techniques and related advanced data analysis and modeling

  • Food packaging


  • Dynamic vapour sorption (DVS Intrinsic)

  • ESR-spectroscopy (Magnettech Miniscope MS-200 and MS-5000)

  • SAXS/WAXS (Xenocs Nano-InXider)

  • Beer analytical chemistry lab (Density, turbidity, O2, CO2, and foam stability)

  • Contact angle and surface tension (Dataphysics OCA25)

  • Particle size and zeta potential (Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZSP)

  • Isothermal titration calorimetry (TA Instruments NanoITC)

  • Stopped flow kinetics (Applied Photophysics)

  • Gas permeability of films and packaging materials (PBI Dansensor)

  • Gas analyzers and oxygen sensors



Group members:

Postdoc Saket Kumar 

PhD student Xiaoyi Jiang

Navn Titel Telefon E-mail
Søg i Navn Søg i Titel Søg i Telefon
Henriette Rifbjerg Erichsen Laborant +4535333288 E-mail
Jacob Judas Kain Kirkensgaard Lektor +4523746863 E-mail
Jeanette Venla Hansen Faggruppesekretær +4535333239 E-mail
Jens Risbo Lektor +4535333224 E-mail
Kim Lou Johansen Chefkonsulent   E-mail
Mogens Larsen Andersen Professor +4535333262 E-mail
Shaghayegh Keshanidokht Erhvervs-postdoc +4535332779 E-mail
Zsófia Edit Szathmáry Ph.d.-studerende +4535321289 E-mail

Contact the research group leader:
