Food design and sustainability

The purpose of our research group is to sophisticate the development of enjoyable, healthy, sustainable foods. This involves understanding of the interplay between raw material, production, consumption and nutrient utilization.

A prerequisite for innovative solutions within healthy and tasty food together with environmental friendly production is the detailed knowledge about the properties of food components in complex food matrices during processing, storage and consumption. We advance the development of sustainable foods rooted in our understanding of the interplay between functionality and sensory accept. We exploit molecular principles and gastronomical potential for rational improvement of foods.  We work with the utilization of raw materials, novel ingredients and innovative processes for the future food based on the interplay between functionality and sensory accept.


  • Food processing/production (large scale (industrial) and small scale (kitchen))

  • Product innovation/prototyping

  • Non-thermal/new technologies

  • Product performance incl. instrumental and fast sensory methods

  • Sensory acceptance

  • Gastrophysics


  • Gastronomic laboratories

Photo of gastronomic laboratories

  • Evaluation laboratory

  • Technologies; High pressure equipment, Ultra sound equipment

Picture of high pressure equipment

  • Differential scanning calorimetry



Group Members

Navn Titel Telefon E-mail
Søg i Navn Søg i Titel Søg i Telefon
Alon Cnaany Gæsteforsker +4535324026 E-mail
Ashwitha Amin Ph.d.-stipendiat +4535333787 E-mail
Kirsten Sjøstrøm Laboratoriekoordinator +4535333203 E-mail
Michael Bom Frøst Lektor +4535333207 E-mail
Ole G. Mouritsen Professor emeritus   E-mail
Sanne Sansolios Koordinator +4535327017 E-mail
Vibeke Orlien Lektor +4535333226 E-mail

Contact the research group leader: 

Associate professor