Clove Oil Protects β-Carotene in Oil-in-Water Emulsion against Photodegradation

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β-Carotene degrades rapidly in a 2% oil-in-water emulsion, made from food-grade soy oil with 7.4 mg β-carotene/mL oil, during storage and when exposed to light. Added clove oil (2.0, 4.0, or 8.0 µL/mL of emulsion) protects against the photodegradation of β-carotene, regardless of the ratio between clove oil and β-carotene in the concentration range studied, suggesting that the regeneration of β-carotene is caused by eugenol, the principal plant phenol of clove oil to occur in the oil-water interface. Therefore, clove oil in low concentrations may find use as a natural protectant of provitamin A in enriched foods during retail display.

TidsskriftApplied Sciences (Switzerland)
Udgave nummer6
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - 2021

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