Ingredient and Dairy Technology

PLANTCURD: Functional Plant Proteins for Cheese Curd

Bespoke - fermented dairy products

Characterization of biochemical and nutritional properties of protein hydrolysates of raw material from the slaughter industry

Cheese Powder as a functional ingredient in complex food matrices

Controlling colloidal forces for healthier ice cream

Development of natural powder mixtures from crickets

Effect of Maillard reaction and lipid peroxidation on AGE formation in dairy-plant oil blends (DOABLE)

Enzymatic hydrolysis of haemoglobin to form new protein ingredients

Extraction of astaxanthin from green crabs

FLAVOPROT - High quality protein powder from animal production

HAPFAM - Healthy and Affordable Proteins for the African Market

ICOM: Inhibition and control of Maillard reactions in dairy foods by plant polyphenols

Improving flavor quality and stability of beers

Lactose Caking

Lactose-free UHT milk drinks with functional polyphenols

Microwave technology for faster and safer food processing

Minerals from whey for customized foods

Modification of food proteins in processed foods for reduced allergenicity

NEOCOL - Cow-colostrum for newborns

Neutralization of bitterness in protein ingredients, PepTaste

Platform for Dairy Process Technology


Refining green biomass SUBLEEM 2.0

Second generation functional protein ingredients developed with gentle manufacturing tools (SPRING)

Stabilization of colloidal food materials (in Danish)

StrucSat - How structure affects satiety

UHT treatment and storage effects on the biological quality of liquid infant formulas_ny