Refining green biomass SUBLEEM 2.0
PROJECT 'Refining green biomass SUBLEEM 2.0' IS COMPLETED
Period: 2018 - 2020
The aim of the project is to establish pilot scale facilities that make it possible to accelerate the development of concepts, technologies and processes that can make refining green biomass a sustainable industry among Danish companies.
The project will develop technological solutions to meet the increased demand for proteins that can come from other green biomass such as cultivated grasses with high protein content (e.g. clover, alfalfa and ryegrass). Waste streams from agriculture like sugar beet tops and green biomass from nature conservation are also relevant.
The project focuses on improving the utilisation of existing resource streams through biorefining in order to support companies with the creation of green growth in the future. The project works with the development of pilot scale research infrastructure and biorefining processes with the aim of creating a basis for food production based on soluble “white” protein and insoluble “green” protein, as well as other valuable components from green biomass. Pilot scale testing will ensure that the developed methods are scalable and profitable, and that any barriers to the utilisation of components from green biomass are identified and minimised.
The existing pilot plant for biorefining at the Danish Technological Institute in Taastrup (the SUBLEEM pilot plant) is designed with a variety of process equipment, which make in flexible in terms of handling various types of biomass. The process is tailored to the individual biomass depending on its characteristics as well as the products to be developed/manufactured. Based on this, the different device operations are selected and connected depending on the chosen refining strategy.
In the SUBLEEM 2.0 project, additional devices have been added, providing the opportunity to demonstrate the potential of a more complex refining strategy, which results in a wider range of different products with significantly higher value.
In this way, it is possible to strengthen Denmark’s potential and competitiveness in the bio-based circular economy by creating opportunities for jobs and growth, allowing for system exports of both equipment and knowledge to promote a circular resource economy locally, nationally and internationally.
The project is divided into 3 work packages with associated sub-goals that support the project, but also independently generate new and useful knowledge for the project partners and stakeholders outside the consortium.
The work packages are divided so that work package (WP) 1 focuses on the development and demonstration of the green biorefinery with a focus on the technical process optimisation and development of new innovative biorefining methods for fractionation and separation, so that the functionality and quality of the biomass components are maintained. WP2 focuses on product and sales potentials, including needs of customers and end users. WP3 focuses on the evaluation of the application and commercial potential.
Project management and knowledge dissemination are central and will be consistent throughout the project period to ensure a good and efficient process.
Funded by:
Project: SUBLEEM 2.0
Period: 1st of January 2018 of 30th June 2020
Grant donor: The Green Development and Demonstration Programme (GUDP)
Grant size: DKK 2,840,000
Total budget: DKK 4,160,000
René Lametsch
Associate Professor
Ingredient and Dairy Technology