Molecular biology tools, computational food and health science

Sequencing technology has revolutionized our ability to study microorganisms not just at the level of individual organisms, but also within complex communities and specific environments such as the human gut. This technology has enabled detailed molecular-level analyses that were previously unattainable. The advent of high-throughput sequencing methods has led to the generation of massive amounts of data, necessitating the use of advanced computational tools to extract meaningful insights.

In our section, we utilize and develop bioinformatics tools to handle and interpret these large datasets. These tools are essential for tasks such as sequence alignment, genome assembly, and functional annotation, allowing us to understand the genetic and functional diversity of microbial communities. Our focus includes both established techniques and innovative methods to push the boundaries of what can be learned from sequencing data.

One key area of bioinformatics we specialize in is the application of long-read sequencing technologies, such as those provided by Nanopore sequencing. Long-read sequencing offers several advantages over traditional short-read technologies, including the ability to resolve complex genomic regions, detect structural variants, and improve the accuracy of genome assemblies. This technology is particularly valuable for studying organisms with highly repetitive genomes or those that are difficult to culture.

In addition to bioinformatics, biostatistics plays a crucial role in our research, especially in the integration of sequencing data with phenotypic data. Biostatistical methods are employed to handle covariance structures, account for phylogenetic relationships, and perform rigorous statistical analyses. This integrative approach allows us to correlate genetic variations with phenotypic traits, providing deeper insights into the functional implications of genetic diversity.

Our work aims to develop robust computational frameworks that can manage the complexity and scale of modern biological data. By combining cutting-edge sequencing technologies with sophisticated bioinformatic and biostatistical analyses, we strive to advance our understanding of microbial ecology, evolution, and their interactions with host environments in food systems and human health.