Plant based foods and Biochemistry

Our aim is to generate knowledge about functionality of the different food components and their interactions, in order to contribute basic understanding of food ingredients that can be translated into future strategies in food biotechnology.

Picture of algae
Photo: Lene Hundborg Koss

We work with food sources such as plants, microalgae, fungi, and various side streams. A major focus is molecular and structural characterization of proteins, interactions with other proteins and other components in the food matrix to assess the relation between protein composition, functionality and food quality.¨



We are in particular interested in plant seed proteins, their quality in respect to amino acid content, in vitro digestibility, content of antinutrients and how processing of the seeds and proteins can affect these parameters.

Read more about plant-based food research at the University of Copenhagen, UCPH FOOD


  • Biochemical, physical and molecular characterization of food components.

  • Protein biochemistry and protein quality.

  • Proteomics

  • In-vitro digestibility.

  • Anti-nutritional compounds.

  • Food microstructure and functionality.

  • Rheology and texture.

  • Algae and fungal fermentation.

  • Processing and fractionation of biological materials.

  • Enzyme applications and bioengineering.


  • Proteomics platform

  • IVPD platform

  • Protein purification

  • Protein characterization and quantification

  • Food grade facilities – lab and kitchen



Group members:

Name Title Phone E-mail
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Phone
Amin, Ashwitha PhD Fellow +4535333787 E-mail
Duque Estrada, Patricia Postdoc +4535325638 E-mail
Gouseti, Ourania Associate Professor +4535324048 E-mail
Jensen, Poul Erik Professor +4535333340 E-mail
Lametsch, Rene Associate Professor +4535333483 E-mail
Larsen, Mads Emil PhD Fellow +4535335542 E-mail
Olsen, Malene Fog Lihme PhD Fellow +4535326586 E-mail
Petersen, Iben Lykke Associate Professor +4535321326 E-mail

Contact the research group leader:

UCPH FOOD section: Food Analytics and

Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen (UCPH FOOD)
Rolighedsvej 26, room number R373
1958 Frederiksberg C
Phone +45 35 33 33 40