Dairy and Processing

The mission of the Dairy and Processing research group is to deliver high quality research and train the future generations of dairy talents.

Picture of dairy researchers
Photo: Jacob Helbig

To meet the current and future needs of the Danish food industry, with a specific focus on dairy, the research activities focus on: (i) novel sustainable technologies to create sustainable, healthy and sensorial attractive products and ingredients by valorizing raw materials and side streams; (ii) use of digital technologies (e.g. models and sensors) to characterize, control and predict the process dynamics; (iii) combinations of materials and processing on the microstructure/functionality of the resulting product, and (iv) understanding molecular interactions, product functionality and bioactivity.

Read more about dairy research at the University of Copenhagen, UCPH FOOD


  • Advancement of sustainable process technologies.

  • Data-driven, measurement-based strategies for process control and consistency product performance, including sustainability aspects as reduction of water consumption in plants.

  • Novel technologies to produce more efficient dairy and food processes where side streams are minimized or valorized.

  • Dairy powder production and stability.

  • Develop higher throughput methodologies combined with models to design products and processes.

  • Effect of processing and ingredients on dairy product properties, incl. minerals.

  • Fractionation technologies, e.g. pressure and electrically driven membrane processes.

  • Models to understand microstructural transformations through the supply chain and consumer use.

  • Molecular understanding of dairy products and ingredients bioactivity and functionality (e.g. structure and texture, gelling properties) and minerals in dairy and food products.

  • Support the development of sustainable products that facilitate export and reduce food waste.


  • Dairy pilot plant (a variety of equipment for thermal treatment, filtration, homogenization, and production of yogurt, ice cream and cheese)

  • Spray drying (GEA Mobile Minor and Buchi)

  • Sustainable process lab (pulsed electric fields, lab scale membrane filtration, high pressure homogenization, electrodialysis)

  • PAT lab (vibrational spectroscopes – NIR, MIR, Raman, UVVis, Fluorescence) for off-line, at-line and on-line process monitoring and control; LF-NMR for relaxometry measurements)

  • Rheology lab (Kinexus Pro, TA DHR-2, Texture Analyzer TA.XTplusC)

  • Physical properties (Mastersizer 3000, Zetasizer Nano, Turbiscan)

  • Minerals (ICP and electrochemistry)

  • Bioactivity assays

  • HPLC and UPLC methods, e.g. for milk proteins and vitamin B12

  • In-vitro digestion models



Group members:

Name Title Phone E-mail
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Ferrusola Pastrana, Ester PhD Fellow +4535323886 E-mail
Merkel, Arthur PhD Fellow +4535323930 E-mail
van der Berg, Franciscus Winfried J Associate Professor +4535333545 E-mail

Contact the research group leader:

UCPH FOOD section: Ingredient and Dairy

Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen (UCPH FOOD)
Rolighedsvej 26, room number 74-5-R576
1958 Frederiksberg C
Phone +45 35 33 37 94