Recipient of the Nils Foss Talent Prize 2022 makes microalgae more edible
Food chemist Mahesha Manjunatha Poojary from the Department of Food Science at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH FOOD) is one of this year's two recipients of the Nils Foss Talent Prize, and if you ask him what we should be eating much more of in the future, he has no doubt: microalgae!

Mahesha Poojary uses advanced food analytical methods such as chromatography and mass spectrometry to investigate the properties of microalgae right down to the atomic level to find out how they can become a superfood of the future – an important task that has now helped him to win the Nils Foss Talent Prize 2022.
"My research is basically about finding methods for growing, extracting, and processing microalgae that can utilize the enormous food potential that microalgae have. It is also about utilizing waste flows from food production, so that you create value in the food chain in several places at the same time" says Mahesha Poojary.
He is leading the research project "Two-in-One: Valorising dairy wastewater to produce food ingredients using microalgae", which is supported by Independent Research Fund Denmark.
"The project is about using side streams from dairy production as a basis for growing microalgae. That is, residual water from production, which contains proteins, minerals, and carbohydrates,” he says.
The food chemist's research also focuses on utilizing the nutritional value of microalgae, as well as ensuring that the quality of the ingredients is top notch, and suitable as food for humans.
"We are researching, for example, processing the microalgae in a way so the proteins avoid oxidation, which degrade the quality and make the proteins unsuitable for human nutrition," says Mahesha Poojary.
»I am honoured to receive the Nils Foss Talent Prize 2022 and regard it as recognition of my efforts in my field of research, which is food chemistry and food analytical chemistry. I really want to thank the committee behind the award, as well as the people who make it possible for me to do the work I love: my family, friends, and colleagues«
An ordinary day at work
Mahesha Poojary divides his working time among many different tasks.
“I love working in the laboratory, and almost always spend a few hours here. I am the main or co-supervisor of four PhD students and one master's student, so time is also typically spent on conversations with students. I teach a master's course in advanced food chemistry, and in addition I spend time doing research and meeting colleagues and people from the food industry in Denmark and abroad," says Mahesha Poojary.
He published his first scientific article as early as during the second year of his studies for a bachelor’s degree in Mangalore, India.
"That's why I quickly discovered that the work could be very rewarding. My first published scientific article probably meant that I got the opportunity to work in a highly recognized institution, the National Institute of Technology in Karnataka, where I also did my master's degree. I got grants and was recognized among my colleagues. I also got the opportunity to teach, which I quickly became incredibly happy about” says Mahesha Poojary.
“Teaching is, in my opinion, the most satisfying job you can have. It is inspiring and means that I can bring my research directly into the auditorium. At the same time, I get the opportunity to motivate others to have an exciting career and a good future working life" he says.
Mahesha Poojary is a Tenure-track Assistant Professor at the Department of Food Science at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH FOOD). On 24 November 2022, his appraisal seminar will be held for a position as Associate Professor at UCPH FOOD
Postdoc, UCPH FOOD 2017
Lecturer at Canara Engineering College, Mangalore, India 2011-2013
PhD, Chemistry, University of Camerino, Italy, in 2017
Master's degree in Chemistry from National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India, 2011
Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Botany, Mangalore University, India, 2009
He has published 54 peer-reviewed scientific articles, contributed to 6 books, and won a number of awards. He has been named UCPH FOOD Junior Scientist Of The Year in both 2020 and 2021
Mahesha Poojary is also a Life Member of the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
Tenure Track Assistant Professor at the Department of Food Science at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH FOOD) Mahesha Manjunatha Poojary,
Communications Officer at UCPH FOOD Lene Hundborg Koss,