Sustainable and gentle food processing
Understanding food processes, including the supply chain, is essential when discovering how to best produce sustainable foods with minimal waste.
This research area focuses on how to develop new sustainable food processes to effectively produce foods with improved safety and shelf-life, attractive sensory attributes, enhanced nutritional value, improved digestibility, and absence of anti-nutritional factors or adverse chemical changes during processing.
The research performed in this area deploys gentle and emerging technologies for minimization and/or utilization of all resources in the food supply chain including raw materials, ingredients, water, co-products (process, side, and waste streams), and a combination of sensor and data technology (i.e. process analytical technology). Understanding relationships between the process and food structure plus functionality are key to underpin the selection of gentle processes for future foods.
The main purpose is to create sustainable, healthy, and sensorial-attractive ingredients and food products by understanding their molecular composition and interactions, microstructure, product functionality, and bioactivity.
The research area deals with several important tasks in terms of sustainability. First, research calls for the advancement of sustainable process technologies that facilitate export and reduce food waste. Second, data driven and measurement-based strategies must be applied for process control and consistent product performance, including sustainability aspects of reduction of water and energy consumption in plants.
Learn more about food processing by visiting the research group Dairy and Processing.
Learn more about food process analytics by visiting the research group Foodomics.
Related research projects:
- Forum for Membrane Filtration
- Platform for Novel Gentle Processing.
- Extrusion of renneted casein-based gel particles (Ran and Mikkel)
- Electrodialysis of acid whey and milk (Emilie & Arthur)
- Gentle fat separation form milk by membrane filtration
- Creation of novel cookable dairy structures by combining dairy and plant ingredients
- Novel Aging - Technologies and solutions to manufacture novel dairy products for healthy aging
- Calcium Bioavailability
- B12
- Effect of non thermal technologies on caseins
- Efficient yoghurt powder drying
- Personalised food Products for Patients (IFD - 3D printing)
- Gelcook – Understanding acid/heat gelation of milk – non melting cheeses
- Procalcium - Calcium dynamics during manufacturing of cheese (heating/cooling, Acidification and filtration)
- Emulsion stability in casein gels
- Non-thermal technologies to preserve bioactive compounds in dairy products and side streams
- Applications of seaweed in dairy products
- Calcium- protein interactions in plant-based systems
- Replanted - Detection and removal of undesirable compounds in plant-based dairy alternatives by processing and fermentation
SEEDFOOD: Functional and palatable plant seed storage proteins for sustainable foods
BESPOKE - Bespoke fermented dairy products; new strategies for understanding and controlling protein ingredient-milk component interactions during processing
- Low molecular weight compounds in dairy products – a potential source for added value products
- EXamining CHEese QUality Elements and Reactions
- Applications of Deep Process Learning
- PLAN P - sPectraL tools and digitalization for the development of sustainable structured food with plaNt Proteins
- Advancing the Quality of plant-based Raw materials and Ingredients for Food applications
- Phase I: Raw materials and derived ingredients
- Metabolomics of plant protein sources after solid state fermentation
- Capacity building in the field of food science and technology in Uzbekistan