Interaction between sodium chloride and texture in semi-hard Danish cheese as affected by brining time, DL-starter culture, chymosin type and cheese ripening

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


  • Marije Akkerman
  • Lise Søndergaard
  • Jespersen, Lene
  • Mia Ryssel
  • Alan Mackie
  • Nick Nørreby Larsen
  • Ulf Andersen
  • Maria Kümpel Nørgaard
  • Mette Marie Løkke
  • Jean Robert Møller
  • Line Ahm Mielby
  • Barbara Vad Andersen
  • Ulla Kidmose
  • Marianne Hammershøj

Reduced NaCl in semi-hard cheeses greatly affects textural and sensory properties. The interaction between cheese NaCl concentration and texture was affected by brining time (0-28 h), . dl-starter cultures (C1, C2, and C3), chymosin type (bovine or camel), and ripening time (1-12 weeks). Cheese NaCl levels ranged from <0.15 to 1.90% (w/w). NaCl distribution changed during ripening; migration from cheese edge to core led to a more homogeneous NaCl distribution after 12 weeks. As ripening time increased, cheese firmness decreased. Cheeses with reduced NaCl were less firm and more compressible. Cheeses produced with C2 were significantly firmer than those produced with C1; cheeses produced with C3 had higher firmness and compressibility. In NaCl reduced cheese, use of camel chymosin as coagulant resulted in significantly higher firmness than that given using bovine chymosin. Overall, cheese NaCl content is reducible without significant textural impact using well-defined starter cultures and camel chymosin.

Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Dairy Journal
Pages (from-to)34-45
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2017

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ID: 176655579