Lene Jespersen

Lene Jespersen


Member of:

    Lene Jespersen (LJ) is Professor in Microbial Ecology and Food Fermentation at the Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen (KU). She has an Industrial PhD (1994) comprising the use of flow cytometry for single cell analyses in brewing yeasts. In 1996, she joined the university and in 2008, she was awarded a professorship. Her research focuses on fermented foods, food mycology, yeast biodiversity, microbial interactions, single cell analysis, microbial functionality, food matrix interactions, food safety, sustainable food production, bio-preservation as well as the effects of food borne microorganisms on gut microbiota and human health. LJ has headed several international, EU and national research projects as well as several research projects with the private sector. Most of these projects have been centred on the valuable utilisation of microorganisms for the production of tasty, healthy and sustainable foods from highly industrialised products to indigenous fermented products in Africa and South America. Her dissemination output accounts >150 scientific publications and book chapters, >70 proceedings and >30 oral presentations at international and national scientific conferences; many of these in collaboration with >30 supervised PhD students.

    Primary fields of research

    Professor in Microbial Ecology and Food Fermentation with more than 30 years of international experience in research, teaching and consultancy in the field of food microbiology. Research Coordinator for the research group on Food Microbiology and Fermentation.   

    • Food microbiology
    • Microbial biodiversitet
    • Microbial interactions and bio-preservation
    • Starter cultures - lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and moulds
    • Indigenous fermented foods
    • Plant-based food products
    • Influence of diet on human gut microbiota
    • Capacity building in developing countries


    Course responsible for the MSc course "Microbiology of Fermented Food and Beverages"

    Co-responsible for the MSc course "Yeasts Physiology and Applications"

    Teacher at the MSc course in "Dairy Microbiology" 


    ID: 4234903