New research project will make our diet choices greener
A new research project PlantPro brings together several food stakeholders who will investigate how the transition to a more plant-rich diet, less food waste and green food innovation can be accelerated and disseminated in Denmark. The project is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark.

Consumers' path to green, healthy, and tasty food must be made easier. PlantPro brings together food stakeholders from universities, organizations and companies who will together investigate how the green transition in the food area can best be promoted. The Department of Food Science at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH FOOD) participates in the project with a grant of almost DKK 3 out of the DKK 13.1 million that the project has received in total.
“With PlantPro, we want to accelerate the green transition in the food area, so that we as consumers get some eating habits that are more sustainable while the products taste really good. The project is unique because it will both promote more plant-based eating habits and reduce food waste by utilizing side streams and residues from food production,” says Associate Professor Armando Perez-Cueto, who leads the part of the project that is anchored at UCPH FOOD.

The goal is also to equip companies for green food exports, so that Denmark can be strengthened in a sector that has great future prospects.
The researchers at UCPH FOOD will develop delicious plant-based meals as well as test behavioral approaches that can promote plant-based choices as well as create less food waste, including nudging.
"The task is that, based on new insights into the market, we can make some recommendations for political and business initiatives that can accelerate the green transition in the food sector, including, for example, informing about consumer behavior through various initiatives," says Armando Perez Cueto.
Read the original Danish article on the webpage of Innovationsfonden
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Associate professor, Department of Food Science (UCPH FOOD) at University of Copenhagen, Armando Perez-Cueto,
Communications officer, KU FOOD, Lene Hundborg Koss,
The title of the research project: PlantPro - Accelerating an efficient green consumer transition.
Total budget: DKK 13.1 million, of which KU FOOD has been allocated DKK 2.9 million.
The Innovation Fund contributes DKK 8.4 million.
PlantPro is a collaboration between Aarhus University (project manager), Department of Food Science at the University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Business School, Plantebranchen, The Vegetarian Society of Denmark, Thinktank OneThird, Simple Feast, Beyond Coffee, Circular Food Technology, Møllerup Brands, Food Innovation House, Orkla, Naturli, Planteslagterne, Upfield, Eachting, Rema1000 and Fair Trees.