Solubility of carbon dioxide in renneted casein matrices: Effect of pH, salt, temperature, partial pressure, and moisture to protein ratio

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  • Prabin Lamichhane
  • Prateek Sharma
  • Alan L. Kelly
  • Risbo, Jens
  • Fergal P. Rattray
  • Jeremiah J. Sheehan

The solubility of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the moisture and protein components of cheese matrices and the influence of changing pH, salt and temperature levels remains unclear. In this study, model casein matrices were prepared, by renneting of micellar casein concentrate (MCC), with modulation of salt and pH levels by adding salt and glucono delta-lactone, respectively, to the MCC solutions prior to renneting. Different moisture-to-protein levels were achieved by freeze-drying, incubation of samples at different relative humidities, or by applying varying pressures during gel manufacture. The CO2 solubility of samples decreased linearly with both increasing temperature and salt-in-moisture content, whereas solubility of CO2 increased with increasing pH. A non-linear relationship was observed between CO2 solubility and the moisture-to-protein ratio of experimental samples. Overall, such knowledge may be applied to improve the quality and consistency of eye-type cheese, and in particular to avoid development of undesirable slits and cracks.

Original languageEnglish
Article number127625
JournalFood Chemistry
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2021

    Research areas

  • Carbon dioxide solubility, Casein matrices, Eye-development, Slit and crack defects

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ID: 248030720