Processes for manufacture of products from plants

Research output: Patent

  • Keld Ejdrup Markedal (Inventor)
  • Jens Christian Sørensen (Inventor)
  • Hilmer Sørensen (Inventor)
  • Peter Marinus Richter Møller (Inventor)
  • Kirsten Mortensen (Inventor)
Disclosed herein is a process for inhibiting browning of plant material comprising adding a chelating agent to a disrupted plant material and adjusting the pH to a value of 2.0 to 4.5. Processes for manufacture of soluble and insoluble products from a plant material are also disclosed. Soluble products are represented by proteins and soluble fibres, and insoluble products by insoluble fibres. The processes are particularly suited for processing of potatoes.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO 2010006621 A1
Priority date18/07/2008
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jan 2010

ID: 189390883