Acceptance of texture-modified in-between-meals among old adults with dysphagia

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Background and aims: Old adults suffering from dysphagia have difficulties swallowing, chewing and/or eating, and are therefore at high risk of undernutrition. In-between-meals that are texture modified are of particular importance for people suffering from dysphagia. To meet their adequate daily amount of food intake they are recommended to eat 3–5 in-between-meals daily. The aim of the current pilot study was to identify the most liked in-between-meals for old adults based on flavour and describe the basic sensory properties of these in-between-meals. Following, the equality between flavour and appearance-based preferences was investigated. 

Methods: From three nursing homes 30 old adults aged 70 years or older suffering from dysphagia were recruited. They were assessing 20 texture modified in-between-meals based on their flavour and appearance on a 3 point hedonic scale. 

Results: When participants were asked to assign liking based on flavour, the most liked in-between-meals were frozen, cold and sweet (vanilla ice cream, strawberry parfait and panna cotta). These meals were among the in-between-meals richest in fat and energy. Liking based on flavour and appearance was equal in 18 out of 20 samples. Furthermore, nutritional and sensory characteristics of the preferred meals were described. 

Conclusion: Flavour and sensory-based ranking of in-between-meals opens the possibility to design new in-between-meals to old adults with dysphagia, by choosing the most liked in-between-meals to offer the target group.

Original languageEnglish
JournalClinical Nutrition ESPEN
Pages (from-to)126-132
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2018

    Research areas

  • Eating Validation Scheme (EVS), Liking, Minimal Eating Observational Form (MEOF), Nursing home residents, Protein enriched products, Undernutrition

ID: 195162203