
The (U)HPLC platform in the Ingredient and Dairy Technology section consists of several UHPLC and HPLC systems equipped with UV-Vis, fluorescence, and refractive index detectors. These instruments can be used to identify and quantify a wide range of analytes via reversed-phase, ion exchange, and size exclusion chromatography. The platform also includes two dedicated UHPLCs with UV-Vis and fluorescence detectors connected in series, enabling multidimensional identification and quantification of analytes. The platform supports a variety of analyses, including but not limited to:

  • protein and free amino acid composition through automated in-needle derivatization
  • umami free amino acids and nucleotides
  • intact proteins
  • polyphenols
  • protein oxidation products
  • sugars and organic acids
  • vitamin C
  • alpha-dicarbonyl compounds
  • carotenoids

Options and requirements for use


  • Using this platform requires extensive training from qualified personnel, and users are only allowed to handle the instruments after completing this training provided by UCPH FOOD staff.
  • Assistance with sample preparation, experimental design, and data processing is available upon request.
  • Instrument booking must be made in advance in agreement with the lab responsible.


At the start of a collaboration on research with the University of Copenhagen, a cooperation agreement must be drawn up. There are different types of agreements depending on the nature of the cooperation. See more here: collaboration.ku.dk/cooperation-agreements/


Associate Professor Mahesha M. Poojary (mahesha@food.ku.dk)

Lab technician Bente Pia Danielsen (bsoe@food.ku.dk)

Lab technician Henriette Rifbjerg Erichsen (hre@food.ku.dk)