Fermentation Platform


The fermentation platform consists of two solid-state- and four submerged fermentation bioreactors. This allows for simulation of any kind of solid-state and submerged fermentations.

Solid state fermentation bioreactors

Labfors 5 Solids and Enzymatic 3.6 L TV, Infors AG, Switzerland

  • May be used for simulation of any kind of solid-state fermentation.
  • Enables fermentations with solid substrates and enzymatic bioprocesses.
  • Enables aerobic and anaerobic fermentations.    


Submerged fermentation bioreactors

Biostat A, Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH, Germany

  • Each bioreactor enables batch, fed-batch and chemostat fermentations in 2-L scale.
  • Enables aerobic and anaerobic fermentations.
  • May be used for any kind of submerged fermentation.
  • May be used as in vitro colon model for gut microbial fermentation processes.   

Options and requirements for use


The running of fermentation experiments is made in collaboration with a superuser of the Fermentation Platform.
Interpretation and analysis of the results are not included in the fee.


At the start of a collaboration on research with the University of Copenhagen, a cooperation agreement must be drawn up. There are different types of agreements depending on the nature of the cooperation. See more here: collaboration.ku.dk/cooperation-agreements/


Associate Professor Nils Arneborg (na@food.ku.dk)