Welcome to the 11th International Conference on High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology (HPBB2022)

The HPBB2022 conference will be held 5 July - 8 July 2022 at Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 

NEWS! An online version will take place in parallel. The conference is a real-life / physical event in Copenhagen, but due to Covid restrictions in some countries, we have decided to offer the opportunity to participate online. Therefore, it is possible to register as an online participant. Moreover, it will be possible to give online oral presentations, see under "Presentations".


The International Association of High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology (HPBB) was established in 1998. The HPBB conference is a meeting among fellows to have fruitful discussions about the most recent and exciting research in high pressure in the many scientific disciplines covering bioscience and biotechnology. In addition, it is an opportunity to exchange ideas and socialize in an informal setting.

The past conferences were held in
Kyoto (Japan, 2000)
Dortmund (Germany, 2002)
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil, 2004)
Tsukuba (Japan, 2006)
San Diego (United States, 2008)
Freising (Germany, 2010)
Otsu (Japan, 2012)
Nantes (France, 2014)
Toronto (Canada 2016) and
Numazu (Japan 2018)
Online (2021)



The HPBB2022 conference is sponsored by:



  • Thyssenkrupp
  • Foods - (ISSN 2304-8158) is an open access and peer reviewed scientific journal that publishes original articles, critical reviews, case reports, and short communications on food science. Foods has been indexed by Web of Science, PubMed, and Scopus. We invite you to be one of our authors, and share your important research findings with the global food science community.

The sponsorships are highly appreciated and we thank the companies.













HPBB2022 will be held in the greatest little kingdom, Denmark. Though small in size, Denmark is among the best research nations in the world. The University of Copenhagen is the largest university in Denmark and the oldest in northern Europe. Copenhagen offers easy accessibility for international travellers, a low crime rate, efficient transport infrastructure, safety, cleanliness and world-class hotels and restaurants.

The Department of Food Science (FOOD) at the University of Copenhagen is hosting the 11th International Conference on High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology (HPBB2022). The department covers all disciplines of food science in the chain from raw materials to processing and consumption. FOOD is internationally recognized for its excellent food research and education, its impact for consumers and industry and its contribution to solving global challenges. The department is internationally leading in a number of research areas and has strong ties to the food industry.

At FOOD we do research for the benefit of society. Thus, common to all of our research is that it contributes to growth, employment and solutions to global challenges such as sustainable food production, secure food supply, food and health, and the challenges within energy and the environment. Moreover, the department’s food education programmes offer strong vocational and internationally recognized skills. Both research and teaching is based on our robust national and international collaborations with leading research institutions and large food and non-food industries.





















Tentative programme overview:

The session contain keynote lectures and oral presentations.
The detailed conference program will made available after receiving the abstracts.

Tuesday 5th July

Theme: Food




Session 1

Opening remarks: Vibeke Orlien

Keynote speaker: Vibeke Orlien

- High pressure processing for structure modification of food  components

Oral presentations


Break and poster


Session 2

Keynote speaker: Carol Tonello

- Latest developments in high-pressure processing: commercial applications and equipment

Oral presentations




Session 3

Keynote speaker: Gustavo Barbosa-Cánovas

- High Pressure Processing of Foods in Combination with Selected Hurdles

Oral presentation

Keynote speaker: Alain Doyen

- Effect of high hydrostatic pressure processing on emerging food proteins




Session 4 Online

oral and poster presentations




Wednesday 6th July

Theme: Macromolecules, biotechnology and cell biology


Session 5

Keynote speaker: Roman Buckow

- Improving meat and soy protein functionality with high pressure

Oral presentations


Break and poster


Session 6

Keynote speaker: V.M. Balasubramaniam

- The principles of ultrashear technology and its application in processing clean label beverages

Oral presentations




Excursion and dinner




Thursday 7th July

Theme: Macromolecules, biotechnology and cell biology


Session 7

Keynote speaker: Avi Shpigelman

- Plant proteins sources and high pressure: Potential applications and limitations

Oral presentations


Break and poster


Session 8

Keynote speaker: Jerson L Silva

- High-Pressure Studies on Amyloid Aggregation of Proteins involved in Cancer and Neurodegenerative Diseases


Oral presentations




Session 9

Keynote speaker: Shuntaro Takahashi

- High pressure study of dynamics of non-canonical nucleic acid structures


Oral presentations


Keynote speaker: Keiji Naruse

- Mechanomedicine and Piezobiology




Young researcher pitch competition



Session 10 Online

oral and poster presentations




Friday 8th July

Theme: Marine science and microbiology


Session 11

Keynote speaker: Mohamed Jebbar

- Regulation of energy metabolism is a coping mechanism to high hydrostatic pressure in the hyperthermophilic piezophilc archaeon thermococcus barophilus


Oral presentations


Break and poster


Session 12

Keynote speaker: Philippe Oger

-title to come

Oral presentations

HPBB announcement

Closing remarks: Vibeke Orlien


End of conference and farewell snack



Visit and enjoy Copenhagen:


Please note that sessions 4 and 10 are assigned to online oral presentations








































Selected abstracts presented at the conference can be published as regular papers in the HPBB2022 special issue of High Pressure Research (Taylor & Francis group). Papers will not be published as conference proceedings. Only original manuscripts with sufficient novel material and of high quality will be considered for publication.

If you intend to submit a full original paper, this needs special notice upon abstract submission. All submitted papers will be subjected to a regular peer reviewing process. The deadline of submission will be announced later, and must be respected to guarantee publication with the shortest delay after the conference.

Manuscripts for the special issue HPBB2022 must be prepared according to the instructions for authors of the journal.  Manuscripts are submitted directly through the HPR online submission web page. The final decision on the acceptability of any submitted manuscripts will be made by the Editors.






















Registration as On-line delegate gives access to all sessions. A link will be mailed Monday 4th of July.

Registration as Partial participation gives access to physical participation on selected days including lunch and breaks.

Registration fees:

On-line delegate: EUR 60 / DKK 450

Partial participation: EUR 60 / DKK 450

Regarding registration and payment for participation in the conference click here.




















The Department of Food Science resides on Frederiksberg Campus close to the city of Copenhagen.

Copenhagen offers a wide variety of hotel accommodation ranging from luxury 4 star hotels to very affordable budget hotels and hostels.

You may want to make your hotel reservation in advance given that July is a high season in Copenhagen. Some suggestions are:

Cabinn Scandinavia and Cabinn Express. Please use Block code BLKHPBB20 for booking at Scandinavia or Express until 30 April 2022.

Brøchner Hotels

Copenhagen Airport is the world's leading gateway to and from Northern Europe. No airport in the region is better located, serves more destinations, welcomes more passengers or provides such a well-supported infrastructure. Copenhagen Airport has its own public metro and train station, and the journey to the city centre with the metro is only 13 minutes. This is the shortest travel time from an airport to any capital city centre in Europe. It is one of the most affordable too, as a full fare ticket only cost between €3.50 - €5. The metro station is located at the end of Terminal 3. The trains go in the same direction from the airport to the city center. Trains leave from platforms under terminal 3 every 20 minutes, and the journey to Copenhagen Central Station takes 15 minutes. For further information, visit DSB.

The airport has two self-service machines at the metro station where you can print boarding cards and labels for your luggage on departure. All major airlines are connected to these self-service machines. For further information, visit the Metro website.

You can read more about tickets, travel costs and the various types of public transportation in Copenhagen here: www.visitcopenhagen.com/copenhagen/service/tickets-and-prices


















Organizing Committee

Vibeke Orlien (Chair), Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, e-mail: HPBB2022@food.ku.dk

Karsten Olsen, Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Shyam Suwal, Arla Foods amba, Denmark

Tone Mari Rode, Nofima AS, Norway

Scientific Committee

Roland Winter, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany

Marie de Lamballerie, ONIRIS, France

Philippe Oger, INSA, France

Laszlo Smeller, Semmelweis University, Hungary

Vibeke Orlien, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Jerson L. Silva, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Tigran Chalikian, University of Toronto, Canada

Robert B. Macgregor, Jr., University of Toronto, Canada

Kazuyuki Akasaka, Keihanna Academy of Science & Culture, Japan

Kazutaka Yamamoto, National Food Research Institute, Japan

Fumiyoshi Abe, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan

Avi Shpigelman, Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Abram Aertsen, KU Leuven, Belgium

















May we introduce Scandinavia’s greatest little kingdom, steeped in a rich history yet home to a modern welfare state, always looking to the future. Denmark is a country in Northern Europe with a population of 5.7 million. The country is surrounded by water and is characterised by flat, arable land, sandy coasts, and a temperate climate with warm summers and mild winters. It is also privileged to have large quantities of clean underground water to be able to cover the entire country’s water needs including domestic consumption, agriculture and industry.
The Danes enjoy a high standard of living, and Denmark ranks highly in numerous comparisons of national performance, including education, health care, protection of civil liberties, democratic governance, prosperity, and human development. As such, the Danes have frequently been ranked the happiest and least corrupt people in the world.

Copenhagen was founded originally as a Viking fishing village in the 10th century, and became Denmark’s capital in the early 15th century. During the 17th century, under the reign of King Christian IV, it underwent a comprehensive modernization and expansion that made the city Denmark's principal fortification and naval port as well as the main centre of trade in Northern Europe. Today Copenhagen’s population is 1.2 million.
Copenhagen is placed 4th (2016) out of 25 as the most liveable city in the ranking in the Mercer Quality of Living Index and has several times been ranked the “World’s Most Liveable City”.
Safety, tolerance, green initiatives, international connectivity, creative environment, a relaxed lifestyle, cycle culture, democratic design and the active use of city spaces are among the key reasons why Copenhagen has been called the world's best city according to British lifestyle magazine, Monocle.
Copenhagen is a very safe choice. The locals walk and cycle in the city around the clock, and Copenhagen has a welcoming and open atmosphere. The Global Peace Index rates Denmark as no 2 (2016) as the world’s most peaceful countries.

Copenhagen is an easily accessible and compact city in which most of the hotels, restaurants, venues, sights and shops are within walking distance of each other. Alternatively, the city's efficient public transport makes covering longer distances effortless.

Visa Regulations and Requirements
Participants from countries within the Schengen Area will not need a visa to visit Denmark. The same is the case for participants from Asia, North- and Latin America.

The Danish Immigration Service regularly publishes an updated list of the countries for which Denmark requires a visa.
The list can be found here:

Persons whose country of origin is not on the list may stay in Denmark for up to three months without contacting the Danish authorities. Congress participants must apply for a visa in good time at Danish Diplomatic and Consular Posts in their countries of domicile. If you apply less than 14 days before departure, the Danish Immigration Service cannot guarantee that you will obtain your visa in time.

You can get more information at The Danish Immigration Service: www.nyidanmark.dk
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also has a specific page where you can see where to send visa applications if Denmark does not have a diplomatic mission in the country concerned.