Michael Bom Frøst

Michael Bom Frøst

Associate Professor

  1. Published

    A descriptive sensory analysis of honeybee drone brood from Denmark and Norway

    Evans, J. D., Müller, A., Jensen, Annette Bruun, Dahle, B., Flore, R., Eilenberg, Jørgen & Frøst, Michael Bom, 2016, In: Journal of Insects as Food and Feed. 2, 4, p. 277-283 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  2. Published

    Product information affects perception of sensory, collative properties and elicited emotions of Indonesian tempe

    Fibri, D. L. N. & Frøst, Michael Bom, 2016. 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterCommunication

  3. Published

    Health and quality of life in an aging population – food and beyond

    Giacalone, D., Wendin, Karin Maria Elisabet, Kremer, S., Frøst, Michael Bom, Bredie, Wender, Olsson, V., Otto, M. H., Brieghel, Signe Skjoldborg, Lindberg, U. & Risvik, E., 2016, In: Food Quality and Preference. 47, Part B, p. 166-170 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Perception and description of premium beers by panels with different degrees of product expertise

    Giacalone, D., Ribeiro, L. M. & Frøst, Michael Bom, 2016, In: Beverages. 2, 1, 11 p., 5.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    Changes in orosensory perception related to aging and strategies for counteracting its influence on food preferences among older adults

    Song, X., Giacalone, D., Laugesen, S. M. B., Frøst, Michael Bom & Bredie, Wender, 2016, In: Trends in Food Science & Technology. 53, p. 49-59 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

ID: 4240474