Formation and hydrolysis of triacylglycerol and sterol epoxides: Role of unsaturated triacylglycerol peroxyl radicals

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Udgivelsesdato: JUL 1
TidsskriftFree Radical Biology & Medicine
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)104-114
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 2004

Bibliografisk note

Kode for udgivelsesland: 'us' Kode for bibliotekets beholdning: 'ikke modtaget' Ukendte organisationer '\'Nestlé Research Center\', \'Vers-chez-les-Blance, Switzerland\', \'Nestlé Research Center\', \'Vers-chez-les-Blance, Switzerland\', \'Nestlé Research Center\', \'Vers-chez-les-Blance, Switzerland\', \'Fødevarekemi\', \'Nestlé Research Center\', \'Vers-chez-les-Blance, Switzerland\''

ID: 7898847